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Protokoll Styrelsemöte 20190314


Minutes of the Board Meeting on 14 March 2019, kl 18:00

Board members present:

Bita Zadsham, deputy chairman

Anna Rönnbäck Bertell

Helene Wallberg

Maya Kasina

Alexandra Jansson

Ulrika Ljung

Kristiina Lenman

Others present:

Lia Österman, IES Årsta representative

For Spring Fair 2019 topic:

Ylva Fridström, 4A

Veronica Pyke Erston, 5B

Gareth Jones, 7D

Eva Johansson, 5D

Lisa Lundvall, 5C

Ed Howard, 5D

1. Opening of the meeting

Bita greeted everyone, informed that Anita couldn’t attend the meeting and hence she would be leading the meeting instead of her, and opened the meeting.

2. Follow up with class parents regarding Spring Fair 2019

- Discussions on what had happened since the last meeting and how to take the planning further. Various parents present went to check out the layout of the school yard for planning purposes.

- Status with the Facebook group: Ulf started the FB group but the link had not yet been shared with the board members/planning committee. Suggestion was made to start an event in the PA’s facebook group instead? It was decided to ask Anita to talk to Ulf about it.

- Grade 5 class representatives had a meeting at the school the previous week.

- Lia to check whether we can have gas grill (and gas bottle).

- Tips: to send info to the mentors about the Spring Fair to include in the weekly class letter.

3. Approval of agenda

Agenda that was sent out before the meeting was approved.

4. Election of person to certify the minutes

Ulrika was elected to certify the minutes together with the deputy chairman.

5. Approval of minutes of the previous board meeting

The minutes of the previous board meeting were approved and signed.

6. Finances – information from the treasurer

No information was presented as the treasurer was not present.

7. Information from the school

Lia had nothing specific to report from school. She informed that Julian, the school principal, had said that if we would like him to attend any of the board meetings then he is happy to join.

8. Upcoming activities

Spring Fair 2019 – see under point 2 above.

9. Other business

Homepage and social media

– Ulrika will upload some info that she has (the ealier board minutes and some pictures from the last fika)

Open house in the end of April

- Lia is planning to have an open house in the end of April for kids and their parents who are in queue for next year for grades 5, 6, 7 and those 4s that came in after the first round. She was wondering if PA wanted to organise a café. It will be during a week-day, for a couple of hours, about the same amount of people as at the last event. Everyone thought it was a great idea. A proposal was made by Lia that PA buys a used fringe that can be kept at the cellar for leftover fika.

10. Next board meeting

11 April.

11. Closing of the meeting

The deputy chairman ended the meeting.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bita Zadsham, Deputy Chairman Kristiina Lenman, Secretary

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ulrika Ljung, Certifier

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Protokoll Styrelsemöte 20190813

PA IES ÅRSTA Minutes of the Board Meeting on 15 August 2019, kl 18:00 Board members present: Anita Hillerström Vagli, Chairman Helene Wallberg Bita Zadsham Maya Kasina Alexandra Jansson Kristiina Lenm

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PA IES ÅRSTA Minutes of the Board Meeting on 16 May 2019, kl 18:00 Board members present: Helene Wallberg, Chairman Ulrika Ljung Alexandra Jansson Others present: Lia Österman, IES Årsta representativ

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PA IES ÅRSTA Minutes of the Board Meeting on 4 June 2019, kl 18:00 Board members present: Anita Hillerström Vagli, Chairman Bita Zadsham Anna Rönnbäck Bertell Kristiina Lenman Ulrika Ljung Alexandra J

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